Tricia Milroy

Last Updated: 11/11/2014

Tricia Milroy - 1994
Tricia Milroy - 2004
Tricia Milroy - 2009
Tricia Milroy - 2019
Tricia Milroy - 2024

All information contained here is from data collected during the 2004 reunion
1. Do you plan to attend the reunion? Will you be bringing someone with you? YES, I DEFINITELY PLAN ON ATTENDING---JUST 1 PERSON 2. If you are planning to attend, how far will you be traveling to get there? I WILL BE COMING FROM NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 3. What have you been doing during the past ten years? WELL, FOR THE PAST 5 YEARS I HAVE BEEN EMPLOYED AS A FLIGHT ATTENDANT WITH CONTINENTAL AIRLINES--BEFORE THAT, I WAS LIVING IN IOWA CITY ATTNENDING THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA (ON AND OFF) 4. What do you do (how employed, student, stay-at-home parent, etc)? FLIGHT ATTENDANT (CONTINENTAL AIRLINES) 5. Are you single, married, divorced, or widowed? If married or widowed, spouse's name and length of marriage. SINGLE 6. Do you have children? If so, names and ages. NO 7. Any pets? If so, what and how many? YES-1 8. Where do you live? NEWARK, NEW JERSY (SOMETIMES) 9. What did you do right after high school? WENT TO COLLEGE ON AND OFF FOR A COUPLE OF YEARS 10. What do you think has changed most about you since high school? NOT A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT- MAINLY PHYSICAL FEATURES 11. When is your birthday? MAY 6, 1976 12. Did you further your education? If so, how? (2 or 4 yr degree, vocational, certifications, masters or doctorate, any special training, etc.) YES-2 YR DEGREE 13. Have you been in the military? If so, how long? NO 14. Did you work while in high school? If so, where? NO 15. What other countries have you traveled to and why? BECAUSE I AM A FLIGHT ATTENDANT, I HAVE BEEN TO MOST COUNTRIES IN EUROPE, AND SOUTH AMERICA (FOR WORK) 16. What are your hobbies and interests now? OBVIOUSLY TRAVELING 17. What was your favorite high school moment(s), class(es), teacher(s), sport(s), club(s), etc? ALL OF MY HIGH SCHOOL MEMORIES WERE SO BEAUTIFUL AND MEMORABLE TO ME :) 18. What do you think you'll be doing (or what do you hope you'll be doing) when our 15-year reunion rolls around? I WILL PROBABALY STILL BE FLYING -- BUT HOPE TO BE SETTLED DOWN BY THEN 19. Any messages you would like to send to your fellow classmates? 20. Who are you are most interested in seeing at the 10-year reunion? Why? EVERYONE

All information contained here is from data collected during the 2009 reunion
Tricia is currently in a relationship with Todd Milroy. She has no children. She lives in Clinton and works as a flight attendant for Continental Airlines.

All information contained here is from data collected during the 2014 reunion
Trisha is married to Toddy Milroy, and they live in Clinton. She is employed with United Airlines.

All information contained here is from data collected during the 2024 reunion
Tricia has been married to Todd Milroy for ten years. She doesn’t have any children, and she lives in Clinton…when she isn’t gallivanting around the globe as a flight attendant for United Airlines, meeting famous people like Simone Biles! How cool is that?!?

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